
God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

With brevity and clarity, Mark Jones makes the doctrine of God accessible to the modern reader—with a specific focus on how each of God's attributes is seen most fully in Christ and impacts the life of every Christian.

elsewhere. God is great, because he is abundant in power (omnipotent) and measureless (infinite) in his understanding (omniscience). Because God is eternal and omnipotent, nothing can limit him or be too hard for him: “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jer. 32:27). He is the eternal, independent, powerful God who determines all things. He is perfection, so that nothing extends beyond him. God’s infinity consists not in “indefiniteness” or “potentiality” but
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